Sunday, November 01, 2009

To Nablopomo or not to Nablopomo

That is the question. Today is the start of National Blog Posting Month, Nablopomo for short. I've participated the past two years, but I'm torn about this year.

It sounds simple enough - write a post a day for 30 days - but I've been slacking off on my blogging lately. I have so much going on, do I really want to add yet another thing to my plate?

At the very least, now that I've posted this, I can continue if I want to. It would have been a shame to have failed the challenge on the first day.

Halloween pictures tomorrow. And later this week, an account of Ella's very first, and possibly last, trip to Walmart.


calicobebop said...

I have GOT to find the cable for my camera - I love Halloween pictures!!

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

Good luck. 30 in 30 is a lot.

the mama bird diaries said...

Congrats on day one. :)

Anonymous said...


In years past - at least the past 2 or 3 - I'd taken part without realizing I was, simply by posting every day. I had a peripheral awareness of the bigger trend, but didn't really pay attention.

Then, this year, my November 1 post is about how I've been posting less often.


Well, yeah, actually...

Cookie said...

Opps, looks like I already messed this one up ;)