
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I made CNN.com

Wrong on so many levels
The name the girl gave isn't that of her father, and the Department of Defense has no records of a serviceman by that name dying in Iraq. The mother finally fessed up that the essay was a lie.
This is just appalling on so many different levels. The mother's excuse was that they wanted the tickets so much that they'd do anything to win. Which begs the question of who really wanted the tickets, the mother or the daughter? I sincerely doubt that any six-year-old would kill off an imaginary father to win concert tickets. And what kind of lesson does this mother think she's teaching her daughter? That it's ok to lie, cheat and steal if you really, really, really want something?
And then there's the whole issue of making up a dead dad to win. This is a slap in the face to all of the military families, more than 3,000 of them, who have lost loved ones in Iraq. These families have lost mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters in this war, and I doubt any of them would trade on the death of their loved one to win concert tickets. To use the death of a soldier, even a fictional one, to win a contest is insulting.
Our paper is reporting that the contest organizers have taken away the girl's prize, which is the right thing for them to do. Unfortunately, it punishes a little kid for her mother's greed, but perhaps she'll learn a lesson her mother obviously isn't fit to teach her.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
"I'm OK!"

And here she is cruising down the street, with the biggest smile. She's so proud that she learned to ride her bike.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Lily "Crash" Gardner
Teaching Ella to ride without training wheels was a multi-year project with lots of starts and stops. We'd take her training wheels off, give it a try for a week or two until she'd get frustrated and demand that we put the training wheels back on. After a six-month break, we'd try again, and then take another six-month break. She'd go for weeks without riding her bike. B finally got her going this summer by taking her up to her school and letting her ride around the empty parking lot for an hour. As soon as she figured it out, Ella took off like a shot, which is what we knew would happen.
But she's a lot like me in temperament. If I can't do something well after my first few attempts, I'm liable to throw my hands up in disgust and walk away. I absolutely do not like not being able to something the right way. It's why my mom's insistence that I take tennis lessons was so frustrating to me. When I was ten and eleven, my lack of skill didn't bother me much, but by the time I was 16 and leaving swim practice early to go to tennis I had had it. I would get beyond frustrated when I would hit 19 perfect forehands and then send the 20th sailing over the side fence. I just don't have the patience for things like that, which is why I've never attempted golf. I'd end up pitching my clubs into the lake by the fourth hole.
Lily, on the other hand, has a surprising amount of stick-to-it-ness. She fell countless times while riding with my dad, but each time she'd pop right up again, calling out, "I'm OK!" Then she'd hop back on the bike and give it another go. She spent hours doing this. My poor dad must have run five miles back and forth with her, but she got it. Ella would have given up after the first couple of falls.
While Lily has now mastered riding her bike, she's still not so good at the stopping part. Instead of using her brakes or putting her feet down, she tends to aim for grass and tip over, always announcing that she's ok. She also needs to work on her steering. She's still in the phase where she runs smack into the things she wants to avoid. I'm trying to teach her to not look at trees and bushes and curbs, but it's slow going. So now we've started calling Lily "Crash," which she and Ella think is tremendously funny.
My goal is to get her stopping, starting and steering skills to the point where I can take both her and Ella down to the Trail and let them ride while I tow Campbell in my new trailer. I can't think of a better way to spend time outdoors with them.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas, a day late
The day started early with Ella's hitting our bedroom door with a thump. Once she managed to get the door open, she started yelling that Santa had come and he had brought her a new bike. And it had a bow because it was too big to wrap. And it had a kickstand just like she asked for. And it was blue just like her old bike.
We let the girls open their stocking present while we waited for my parents to arrive from the hotel. My sister spent the night at our neighbors' house because they're out of town and offered their place as guest quarters (we have the best neighbors ever), and she staggered over pretty early. The best line came from Ella when she opened the new toothbrush that was in her stocking. She said, "I got a new toothbrush, and it hasn't even been in the potty. I wonder how Santa knew?" A week ago I had caught Campbell splashing in the potty with one of the girls' spinny toothbrushes. They made do with regular old toothbrushes until Santa coughed up with new ones. The girls also got modeling clay and tape in their stockings. The tape has become an annual tradition in our house.
Campbell got overwhelmed in all the commotion of present unwrapping, and I had to take him out of the room a few times to settle down. Finally, I popped him in his high chair in the kitchen to eat breakfast. He was much happier after that.
My big gift from B was a trailer for my bike so that I can tow Campbell and Lily along when Ella and I go on longer bike rides down at the Trail. My parents gave me a new rack for my car so that I can carry all the bikes down to the Trail. It was a theme Christmas. I gave B a huge griddle for the stove so that he can cook a pound of bacon at the same time. I also got him a big bacon press, but it hasn't arrived yet.

The girls got lots of things from their lists to Santa. Lily got a new copy of "Arielthelittlemermaid" to replace the one that's gone missing. She also got a bathrobe and a new winter coat. Santa brought her a new bike helmet, per her request, but it doesn't fit. So we'll have to go buy a replacement. She also got a tea set from my mom, and they've been having lots of tea parties ever since.
Ella's bike was her big present, and it was a big hit. It's bigger than her old one, and more of a mountain bike, so it took some getting used to. But by the end of the day, she was riding through the grass and hopping off curbs. I'm sure she'll be begging to go out and ride as soon as she finishes breakfast. I think I'll turn her loose with Grandpa. He can ride my bike.
Campbell got a little trike of his own - I told you it was a theme Christmas - and he's had a great time riding it all over the house. Unfortunately, he's into creative bike riding, and he's fallen off about a dozen times. He has a few new lumps on his forehead as a result of some of the tumbles. The girls love to sit on it too, but every time he sees one of them on it, he screeches and pushes her off. It's pretty funny. They've taken to getting on the trike just to see his reaction.

So today we'll be picking up the mess and finding room for the new bathrobes and slippers and sweaters, and we'll be riding bikes and having tea parties and watching some new movies. It should be a very good day.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Each Christmas I dream of a decorator-style Christmas tree with a theme and perfectly spaced ornaments and lights. But then I remember that if I had a tree like that, I wouldn't have ornaments like these. Lily made the one on the left at preschool two years ago. The angel's wings are her tracings of her hands. Ella made the one on the right at home so she'd have an angel to match. They must always be together on the tree because they're friends.
This was my very first Christmas ornament, given to me by my great aunt and uncle, Rose Marie and Donald. She's the Littlest Angel. I know there's some story about the littlest angel, but I can remember it. Looking at the picture, I realized what bad shape the ornament is in. I think I may have to store her someplace other than the big Christmas box in the garage this year.
B and I made this star out of cardboard and tin foil our first Christmas together. We were poor, and our ornament collection was slim. We still use it every year, but B's dad pointed out that it might be time for a new coating of tin foil. This one has burn marks from the lights.
And finally, here's Ella in her Christmas dress from my mother-in-law. I know, it's not really as bad looking as I make it sound in my complaint post. But it just isn't my style, and I'm still irked my m-i-l felt she could buy the girls their dresses. Ella was thrilled that I let her wear it to school for her class Christmas party, until she had worn it for about 30 minutes. Then she started complaining that the netting in the crinoline was catching on her tights and that she stepped on the hem every time she bent down to pick something up. I told her fashion isn't always pretty and pushed her out the door.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Attack of the Stupid People
My dad really wanted to go see the Trail of Lights, which is a long-time Austin Christmas tradition. I haven't been to the Trail of Lights since Ella was a baby, when she and I ran the 5K that is held every year before opening night. I've cringed since then at the thought of taking kids down into the melee.
Last night, though, I pulled myself together and headed out the door with mom, dad, Ella and Lily. B, who looked at me like I was crazy when I asked him if he wanted to go, stayed home with Campbell.
The first part of the adventure went smoothly. Parking was a breeze, and the lines for tickets and buses moved right along. We were on the shuttle to the Trail within 20 minutes. Lily was amazed by the bus ride - it's the first time she's been on a bus, which is rather appalling.
When we got to the trail, however, things took a decided turn for the worse. We got off the bus and headed for the entrance to the Trail, which was a solid mass of people being stupid. Entire families - aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. - were lined up in the entrance to take pictures. But this blocked traffic for the thousands of people trying to get in behind them.
The first third of the Trail, which is a mile long total, was packed, and everyone was forced to do a slow shuffle. Again, families were blocking the path so that they could line their cold, crying kids up for photo ops. My dad had to put Lily on his shoulders so she could see the displays, and I had to lift Ella up a few times. The crowds were so thick, and so stupid, that when an ambulance cart, complete with flashing lights, was working its way through the crowd, against the flow of traffic, with an injured little boy strapped to the back, people refused to move. Other idiots were taking pictures of the cart and the little boy. I wanted to trip people, but that would have slowed us down further.
I'm fairly clautrophobic in crowds and prone to panic attacks, so this whole situation was just about my worst nightmare. I kept edging over to the far side of the Trail, away from the displays, just so that I could breathe. But poor Ella, who was holding my hand, kept pulling me back so she could see.
I felt better once the crowds thinned a bit, further along the Trail. But stupidity was still rampant. There were folks who had lost their friends and/or family, so they planted themselves in the middle of the flow of traffic, facing the wrong way, to wait, forcing everyone walking towards them to trip over each other in an attempt to go around.
The final blast of stupidity happened in the lines for shuttles. We were waiting patiently in line, along with hundreds of other people. But on the other side of us, were hundreds of people just marching along, pretending they didn't see all of us waiting our turn patiently. Fortunately, there was a shuttle employee at the entrance to the bus loading area sending people who innocently asked if that was where they got in line all the way back to the end. "See that long line of people all the way back there?" he'd ask. "That's where the line starts." One woman said that her husband couldn't possibly walk all the way to the back and then stand in line. So the shuttle guy told her that her husband could wait right there while she went all the way to the back of the line, and then when she got to the front, her husband could join her. All of us who had been waiting did a little cheer at that.
Despite the rampant examples of the worst of mass human behavior, I'm glad we went. The girls loved the lights; Lily was silent and wide-eyed the whole time. Ella was fixated on this one display of trees that turned on and off to the music playing. She also sang every time she heard Christmas carols, usually at the top of her lungs. Both girls came home exhausted and happy - Lily fell asleep in the car, leaning on my dad. Ella passed out within minutes of climbing into bed, which is rare for her.
I think we'll wait a few years before going back. And we'll make sure to go on a week night, even if it means too late of a bedtime. I can't handle the crowds, or the stupidity, again.
Friday, December 21, 2007
It's official
We visited my friend EWM yesterday afternoon in her new house, which has stairs. The big kids played out in the yard, while E and I stayed inside with Campbell. He, like Ella, is obsessed with stairs. I sat on a stool a few feet from the staircase and watched him practice on the bottom three steps. He was doing a very good job crawling up the three steps and then holding on to the banister rails to go back down. Unfortunately, I let my guard down.
Campbell crawled up five stairs and turned around to walk back down. I stood up to help, and as I did, he lost his balance while reaching for the railing. With sickening thuds, he rolled down the stairs. I was sure, based on the way he fell, that he had broken his arm. I scooped him up at the bottom, holding him while he shrieked, as E came running in from the kitchen. I checked his limbs, which all seemed to be working, and examined his head and mouth for blood. The final result - two more lumps on his forehead. He calmed down pretty quickly, but I was shaky for the whole rest of the day. I kept seeing his little life flashing before my eyes and I replayed his slow-motion roll down the stairs.
He did learn from his fall, though. As soon as I put him down when he had finished crying, Campbell headed right back to the stairs with me two feet behind him. I expected him to start climbing again, but instead he stopped, shook his head no, and made this funny little "ooohhhh" sound. He did it several more times during our visit.
This morning I fell while running, again. I used to say that I fell once a year, but this was my third tumble in 2007, so I may have to adjust my figures. I tripped over a big rock on the trail and went flying. Fortunately, my shirt and gloves took most of the damage. I have a bit of road rash on my hand, hip, and shoulder. But if I hadn't been wearing gloves and shirt, I would have been in a lot of pain.
The first thing I said after I fell was, "But I'm wearing my glasses!" Usually I only fall right after I've taken my glasses off and I haven't adjusted to the change in my depth perception. The second thing I said was, "Oh, poor Campbell." E was with me when I fell, and she laughed in sympathy. Unfortunately, I think Campbell has a long history of falls, bangs, and bruises ahead of him.
In the meantime, I'm wearing SpongeBob bandaids on my hand and nursing my bruised shoulder. Campbell, on the other hand, seems no worse for his tumble yesterday. If only I could recover that quickly.
LIly's excellent adventure
Ella's class party was after lunch, so I headed up there to join in the fun. The party was in the library, and it was so funny to see Lily file in with all the first graders. She fit right in, even if she was a bit shorter than they.
During the party, Lily and Ella worked together to make Christmas cards and ornaments, and they sat next to each other for snack time. I was really regretting having forgotten my camera.
The highlight, though, was the snow fight. Some of the parents brought in this stuff that is essentially the inside of diapers, which, when you add water, turns into this fluffy stuff that can be molded into snowballs. Ella's teacher lined all the kids up in the story area, told them about the surprise, and led them in a silent celebration, which was hysterical to watch. Lily had huge eyes through all of it.
After the fun of the snowball fight outside, Ella's class lined up to head off to music. Lily jumped in line, holding on to Ella's hand. When I retrieved Lily from the line and explained that it was time to go home, Lily threw herself flat on the ground and sobbed that she wanted to stay and go to music with Ella. I explained that the school rules didn't allow her to spend all day at school with her sister, that it was just a special occasion that she was able to be there for the skits and the party, but she didn't want to listen to me. It wasn't until I bribed her with the promise of cartoon time at home, that she pulled herself together and walked to the car with me.
As a result of all this, Lily is now chomping at the bit to start kindergarten in the fall. She asks me at least once a day how much longer it is until she can go to school with Ella. I think she'll be disappointed when she finds out she won't actually be there WITH Ella, but I think it will be a short-lived let down. She is just going to love kindergarten, especially if we can get her in with the teacher we want to have.
In the meantime, I have to reconcile myself to the fact that my baby girl will be going off to school in a few short months.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A waste of an hour
And it turned out to be a waste of an hour. The freelancers who were at the meeting had a whole sheaf of papers with examples of the work we'd be doing, but the other person conferencing in and I didn't have those papers, so we couldn't see what they were talking about. The freelancers who were there, asked four million questions about all the examples, which meant nothing to me because I couldn't see what they were talking about.
So while the the questions and answers were going on, I read the news online - Britney Spears's 16-year-old sister is pregnant, hee, hee - and giggled at MadMad's post. Unfortunately, while I was giggling the phone wasn't on mute. Whoops. I blamed it on my kids.
The bottom line was that at the end of the hour of listening, I still had really no idea of what the work will entail or when we'll be doing it. What a waste of precious work time.
Meetings are pointless; meetings by conference call are even more so.
My poor arthritic husband
But all of his messing around on the board for fun may have come to an end. For the past couple of months B has been complaining about pain in his neck. He's been going to the chiropractor, which I disagree with, and getting regular massages, which I'm jealous of. The pain, however, kept getting worse. He's now wearing a neck brace. Last week B went for an MRI and a CT scan, which showed damage between his C2 and C3 vertebrae. The MRI seemed to show fractures in his vertebrae, but the CT scan, which is better for looking at bones, didn't show any fractures. Phew.
This morning we went to see an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in necks and spines. The diagnosis - arthritis in his neck. The doctor's immediate recommendation is an injection of anesthesia and steroids into B's neck. That should relieve the pain and get B to the point where he can do rehab, which would otherwise be incredibly painful for him right now. B has an appointment tomorrow with an anesthesiologist to talk about the procedure. The next step would be a procedure to cauterize some of the nerves in his neck. After that, the last step would be to fuse his two vertebrae together, which would eliminate a lot of the range of motion in his neck. This is not an appealing option, especially not at his young age.
The doctor this morning wasn't particularly helpful. He basically said, "You've got arthritis; you're screwed. Here are some pain pills."
The other night B ran through a list of his diving friends who have back and/or neck problems, and it was a frighteningly long list. He's also been doing research, and there aren't many studies on platform divers and the effect the sport has on their bodies. There's just not a huge population of people to study.
I'm just relieved that B has chosen to take action on this. He has the tendency to just ignore things in the hopes that they will go away. Let's hope that the injection and rehab will make a difference for the better.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The lucky wallet
I bought a really cool wallet in Chicago at store on Michigan Ave. It's by a company called Vy and Elle, and it's made of recycled vinyl from billboards. It's hip and cool, and huge, which causes its own problems. But this morning confirmed that it is the luckiest wallet ever.
Because the wallet is so big, I can't cram it in my pockets. As a result, I tend to leave it places. This summer, I put it on the hood of my car while at a gas station in far south Austin. I got all the way home before I realized that the wallet wasn't in the car. So I drove ALL the way back. Fortunately, the wallet was sitting on the ground in the parking lot of the gas station where it had landed when it flew off the hood.
Several weeks ago I went shopping at a fabric store with Campbell, and I tossed the wallet in the basket of the shopping cart. I ended up not buying anything, so I returned the cart to the corral at the front of the store and took Campbell out to the car. I had him completely buckled in his seat when I realized that I had left my wallet in the cart. So I unbuckled Campbell and ran back in the store. I searched for the cart for a few minutes before going up to the customer service counter, where my wallet was waiting for me.
This morning I stopped at the grocery store at 6:30 on my way home from running to pick up a few things and get cash to finish tipping out teachers. While I was shopping I had the wallet crammed in the pocket of my running vest. But when I got my cash back, I put it in the wallet and dropped the wallet on the seat of the cart. It wasn't until I went out to the car to get the cash for various envelopes that I realized what I had done. I hopped in the car, leaving Ella rather confused on the sofa, and drove back to the store, which is less than a mile away. And there was my wallet, sitting in the seat of the cart, right where I had left it.
I think the moral of these stories is that I need to learn to carry a purse.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
"They're sisters?"
Friday, December 14, 2007
OK, you're forgiven
Just when I'm really about to lose it, he does something so irresistibly cute that I just melt. This morning Campbell had been noodling around the bathroom while B and I were getting dressed, emptying the contents of our bathroom drawers. I went out into the bedroom to put on my shoes, and I heard Lily start laughing hysterically. I turned around to see Campbell wearing a kleenex box for a shoe and ran for my camera. He waddled all the way across my room and out to the hall before sitting down to take off the box. Lily and I were both laughing so hard we were just about crying.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Christmas Meme
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, but no ribbon.
2. Real tree or artificial? Real, of course
3. When do you put up the tree? Whenever we get around to it. We haven't put one up yet because I'm afraid of what Tyranababy will do to it.
4. When do you take the tree down? New Year's Day
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, but mixed with milk
6. Favorite gift received as a child? The complete Little House on the Prairie book set. As a grownup, my favorite gift was my new wedding band from my husband.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope
8. Hardest person to buy for? My father and my husband, but for different reasons.
9. Easiest person to buy for? The kids
10. Worst Christmas? Well, there was the year I ended up in the hospital on Christmas day due to a bike accident. And the year my grandfather was going through electro-shock therapy and kept calling the house but not remembering who he was or who he was calling or that his wife had died. And the year I visited my parents and came down with bronchitis and spent the whole week I was there in bed horribly sick. And the year my husband's aunt attempted suicide. Now that I think about it, we have a bad track record with Christmas.
11. Mail or email Holiday Christmas cards? Mail
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? "Christmas Story"
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? December. But if I see the perfect gift earlier in the year, I'll grab it and stash it in my closet.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes, but I at least waited until the next year to give it away at a White Elephant party.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Both, and bubble lights.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Don't have one.
18. Travel for Christmas or stay at home? Stay at home.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Nope
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? A star made out of cardboard and aluminum foil that B and I made our first married Christmas.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Christmas morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Well, there's the fact that Christmas now starts in October, but there's also the constant Christmas music.
23. What I love most about Christmas? Time with my family and seeing the girls on Christmas morning when they open the scotch tape in their stockings. It's their favorite present every year.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
One night I asked Ella if she had finished clearing the table and put everything in the dishwasher. There was a pause before she said yes, so I went to take a look. Plates were all over the counter. I made her load the dishwasher and then sent her straight off to bed. She also lied one night about having brushed her teeth. I made her let me sniff her breath, which smelled of spaghetti, not toothpase, so I sent her back into the bathroom and then off to bed. Those two incidents were enough to convince Ella that we would figure her out if she lied, and she hasn't done it since.
Lily hasn't quite had the same revelation yet. She repeatedly lies about having brushed her teeth - with toothpaste - and about washing her hair and about washing her hands with soap. Again, a quick sniff test by me of B reveals the truth and she gets sent to re-do whatever it was she didn't do correctly and then she's sent to bed without stories. Yet she persists in lying to us. I just don't get it. At what point will she figure out that we catch her every time in these lies? Tonight she brushed her teeth and used toothpaste, but she used her finger rather than her toothbrush because she doesn't like the color of her toothbrush. B and I both suspected something was up, so we kept asking questions until we got to the truth of the matter. Ella's willingness to rat her sister out helped us too. So Lily got sent to bed, again, without a story after she brushed her teeth correctly.
When will she learn?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A traumatic morning
Lily hobbled around all day yesterday. It was easier for her to walk with shoes on, so she wore her new fancy dress shoes most of the time. I had sent a note to preschool for her teacher about it, just in case Lily's toe started hurting too much at school. She made it through the day, though.
Unfortunately, her toe hurt enough during the night that she woke up in tears. B took care of her, giving her a drink and some Tylenol and letting her watch some recorded cartoons with him before packing her back in bed with ice on her foot.
Despite B's protestations that Lily's toe was fine, I called the doctor this morning and scheduled an appointment. (If you're squeamish, stop reading.) The doctor had to poke a hole in Lily's toenail to relieve the pressure underneath. I was amazed at how gentle he was with the procedure. Lily only whimpered a few times. To poke the hole, the doc took a needle and turned it and turned it until it had bored a hole in the nail. As soon as he broke through the nail, ooze seeped out. Lily was fascinated, but I had to look at the ceiling. The needle didn't make a big enough hole, so the doctor then used the tip of a scalpel to make the hole larger. This was the only time Lily cried.
We have to soak her toe in warm water a few times a day to help flush out the stuff under her toenail. And we have to keep it bandaged, which is a good thing because it's still oozing.
I was going to take Lily back to school after her appointment because I was helping parent this morning, but she and I were both so traumatized - me more than her, I think - that I called the school and told them we wouldn't be back. Instead, we went home, and I let her curl up on the sofa and watch cartoons.
Her toe is already looking lots better, even if it is all oozy. It seems to be hurting her less, too. I'm hoping it will be healed enough by Thursday that she'll be able to go to her last ballet class for the fall. She loves dancing so much that I hate for her to miss a day.
Monday, December 10, 2007
This is not our Christmas card picture
I let Campbell climb in his little car and asked the girls to get down next to him in the hopes that I could get one shot of him smiling. Instead, the girls did this. They want to use this picture as our card.
And finally, it's not a real Christmas card photo shoot until someone cries. Ella was the only one who didn't burst into tears.
The Nutcracker
First off, the show was at the Paramount Theater on Congress Avenue, which is such a neat venue. It's an old building, and the theater itself is very ornate, with murals on the ceiling and lots gold everywhere. The girls were antsy until the curtain went up, then they sat on the edges of their seats for the rest of the show.
Lily asked a few funny questions at the beginning, like why wasn't anyone talking and why did the ladies have the backs of their dresses attached to their arms. I just kept shushing her. Ella asked a few questions about who was who, but mostly she just watched, silent with big eyes.
I think Lily's favorite part of the whole thing, though, was getting to clap. Every time there was applause, she'd sit straight up and clap for all she was worth, with the biggest smile on her face. I loved seeing her face light up like that.
The only thing that marred the event was Ella's meltdown over her Nutcracker ornament. I told the girls they could each pick out a small Nutcracker as a souvenir. Ella grabbed one right away and carried it around, clutched to her chest. Lily took a bit longer to pick her, I think because she was hoping I'd change my mind and let her get a big Clara doll. After they had made their choices and we'd made our way back to the car, Ella started sobbing because she had decided she liked Lily's ornament better than her own. She tried to convince Lily to trade ornaments with her, but that just made Lily start sobbing. Lily calmed down when I assured her that she didn't have to trade if she didn't want to, but Ella kept up the waterworks the whole way home and off and on for about an hour after we were home. She started up again after the girls were in bed, sending Lily notes about trading, which set Lily off again.
Ella has now added a large, red Nutcracker to her Santa list, which grows by the day.
Despite the tears at the end, the girls really did have a good time. When I asked them what their favorite parts of the show were, they both said, "Everything!" They also made B read them their Nutcracker book at bedtime last night. I'm sure this afternoon we'll have a dance recital, complete with the proper music.
Friday, December 07, 2007
First haircut
I should note that we all go to the same barbershop/beauty parlor. It's called the Crestview Barbershop, and it is a complete throwback to the '50s. Miss Pam is the owner, and she has several other stylists and barbers working there. It is definitely the hub of our little neighborhood. Folks stop in to gossip and show off pictures of babies and grandchildren. Older, retired men hang out all morning trading stories. This morning they were all discussing where they were 66 years ago today when Pearl Harbor was bombed. The barbershop is one of the many things that makes our little section of Austin so cool.
My Elf name
My Elf Name Is... |
![]() |
It's been a week from hell, and as my husband and children can attest, I've been pretty damn grumpy all week. And as I've written about, my teeth are falling apart - one is even sticking way out of line on the bottom. Some day, if I ever get my teeth to stop falling apart, I'm going to have braces again. I long for straight teeth.
So based on just my name, the the Elf Name site gave me the most perfect name I could imagine.
I'm back
Here I go.
Ella has been the climbiest of my kids. She's been climbing since she knew she had legs. At age two, B taught her how to shinny up door frames, and we haven't been able to keep her feet on the ground since. She still climbs door frames, and trees, and poles, and furniture, and anything else she can get a toehold on. We've started her in rock climbing classes to give her a constructive place to climb.
Now it looks like Campbell will be following in her footsteps. Every time I turn around these days, he's either on top of something or halfway up something. He figured out that if he puts a stepstool next to the coffee table, he can stand on the coffee table. When we took away the stepstool, he rolled his little pushtoy over to the coffee table and used that as a step. Yesterday morning I took something away from him and put it on my bed-side table. An ottoman was next to the table, so Campbell climbed on the ottoman and then onto the table. When he summitted the table, he screeched and clapped, so proud of what he had done. B and I watched Campbell, just to see if he could get on the table. When he did, we both looked at each other and sighed. We know all too well what we're in for.
I just hope that Campbell has Ella's level of coordination, but it's not looking good so far. We had always figured that with Ella's climbing we'd end up in the ER on a regular basis with her. But she seems to have inherited her father's cat-like grace and agility (his words, not mine), and she almost never falls. Campbell, on the other hand, falls every couple of minutes, mostly because he rushes headlong around the house. He's very good at running, not so good at stopping. I have the feeling our Thanksgiving trip to the ER won't be our last.
He's on the coffee table again - gotta go.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Give me a break, please?
1. I called my pulmonologist yesterday at 1:00 and asked a nurse to call me about my continued wheezing. The receptionist called me back today at 7:30 pm to tell me that she had no record of my being one of their patients. Nevermind that I've been going to this doctor for 8 years. Turns out they had my name spelled wrong in their system. The receptionist then offered me an appointment with the doctor on December 26. When I said that I was having trouble breathing NOW, she offered to have the nurse call me in the morning, almost 48 hours after my first phone call. Then to add insult to injury, when I gave her my home number for the nurse to call, she said, "Oh, you're one of the lucky ones who doesn't have to rush out to go to work every morning." I was so stunned that someone would actually say that that I could only splutter, "I have three kids. My work is here in the house." If I had been feeling better, I would have given her an ear full.
2. I had several hours of dental work yesterday to fix my decalcifying teeth. My dentist warned me that I'd feel like I'd been beaten up, and boy she wasn't joking. My jaw is still swollen in three places, and I still feel like I was punched repeatedly. It hurts to open my mouth very far, so I haven't eaten much in the past 36 hours.
3. The pain from the dental appointment caused a pretty major migraine yesterday afternoon, and the after-effects are still lingering. I have that bad tingling feeling behind my right eye warning me to be careful lest the migraine explode again.
4. I have pink eye. I woke up this morning to goop in one eye, but I figure it was just a strange consequence of my head's being stuffed up or the dental appointment. But the goop, itchyness and redness have gotten worse over the course of the day. I'm going to have to ask the nurse at the pulmonologist's office, if she ever calls, to phone in a prescription for me. The kicker - not one of the kids has it, which leaves me to wonder where I got it. And how long it's going to take for one of them to get it.
5. Campbell has such a bad diaper rash that he doesn't want me to even touch his bottom, which makes diaper changing painful all the way around. I gave him part of a clementine orange the other day, which he gobbled down, and I have a feeling that's what caused his current problems. I let him run around without a diaper for about an hour this afternoon, but after he came close to peeing on his friend's foot during playtime, I decided to clothe him. I'm alternating between Burt's Bees, California Baby, and Aquafor, hoping that one will clear up his poor heiny.
6. The next three weeks are going to be crazy, crazy work-wise. We have five levels of presentations due between now and December 20. I don't have to create the presentations, but I do have to review them as they come through and get them cleaned up for final pass. I wouldn't mind all the work, but it's taking away from my knitting!
There, I think that's it.
She still believes!
After picking out the dresses and getting a present for my sister and a pair of black dress shoes for Ella, we went to meet Santa Claus. Lily had been pestering me during the whole excursion about meeting Santa, so she was so happy when we finally headed that direction. When we got there, however, Lily hid behind me and peeked out at Santa, not saying a word. Ella, for the first time ever, voluntarily spoke to Santa, telling him her name, her siblings' names, and what she wanted. I was so impressed with her.
As we walked away, Lily asked if that Santa was the real Santa. I paused for a moment to consider my answer, because I didn't want to mess up the Christmas magic. I finally said that I though maybe he was a "helper" Santa, not the real Santa. Lily looked perplexed, so I decided to call in the big guns and asked Ella why she thought Santa had helpers. She thought for a minute and then said, "Well, it's a very busy time of year for Santa, and he can't be at the mall AND at the North Pole making toys. So he has helpers who come talk to the kids while he works." Lily bought it hook line and sinker. Phew.
I was also relieved to hear that Ella still believes in Santa. I know she's at that age where kids start figuring out the truth, whether they come to the realization on their own or they hear it from friends at school. Ella believes in it enough that she can rationalize the "helper" Santa at the mall. I'm glad we'll have complete Christmas magic for one more year.
The girls have both written their lists to Santa, and they're very funny. Lily's suffers from a lack of originality - she has asked for princess everything. She wants a princess bike helmet, a princess puzzle, a princess journal, a princess timer (whatever that is), and marbles. Ella has grander desires. She's asked for a new bike (which she's getting), new mixes for her Easy Bake oven, an iPod (which she is NOT getting), and marbles. They both played marbles with our neighbor, and now they want their own sets. I think those may be stocking presents.
They are both also getting rolls of tape in their stockings. It because a tradition three years ago after Ella opened the tape in her stocking, held it up in the air, and yelled "Santa brought me tape!" It was her favorite present of the year. I'll be so sad the Christmas that the girls don't think tape is a good present.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Wandering baby
It turns out B had turned his back on Campbell, who had taken off down the sidewalk. Gasp. Fortunately, he marched over to our neighbors' house and started banging on their front door. When our neighbor opened the door, perplexed by what was going on, Campbell barged right past her and headed toward the toys in the living room.
Earlier in the day, my mom had asked if I thought Campbell knew that friends lived next door, or if a house was a house was a house. I said that I didn't think he knew who lived where. Given Campbell's adventure, I'm thinking I may be wrong.
Whether he knew what he was doing or not, I am immensely grateful that he went to L's house, not some stranger's. And that he went next door, not across the street or down the block.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
I can't breathe!
It took a while to get the medications balanced out, and my running suffered as a result. I didn't make it to Chicago, but I did pull things together enough to run the then Motorola Marathon here in Austin.
Most of the time, my asthma barely bothers me. Ten months of the year, I don't even have to take any asthma medication. But one or two times a year, something happens and my lungs tighten up completely.
Last week I had a bit of a cold - it lasted all of two days. But now I can't breathe because of asthma. I'm back on my medications and having to use my albuterol inhaler, which I hate because it makes me so jittery. If things don't improve soon, I'll have to call my doctor, who will put me on the dreaded prednisone for 10 days. Ninety-eight percent of the people who take prednisone feel better for it; all their aches and pains go away, their skin clears up. B loves being on prednisone because it makes all the aches in his neck from years of diving platform go away.
I, on the other hand, and one of the lucky two percent who have the opposite reaction. The stuff makes every joint in my body throb and ache, down to the knuckles in my toes. I don't sleep for the first five days of the treatment because of the pain in my joints and because the medicine winds me up so much, and I buzz around the house like a hummingbird on caffeine. I also tend to lose a lot of weight because of my buzzing activity.
The last time I was on prednisone, my doctor took pity on me and prescribed Ambien for me so that I could sleep. It turns out that I'm one of those people who does things she doesn't remember while on Ambien. I was in New York City with friends when I took it for the first time, and apparently I made a phone call to another friend back in Austin and had a long conversation with one of my traveling companions. I don't remember doing either thing.
Aside from feeling like I'm breathing through a straw and coughing all night, I'm frustrating by the hit my running has taken as a result of this. I ran Wednesday morning and felt great. But by that afternoon I was feeling the cold come on. I had hoped to run Friday afternoon, but Thursday night I started wheezing. I wanted to run this morning, but last night I was wheezing even worse. I knew better than to even try to run. I'd have ended up on the side of the road, doubled over, sucking on my inhaler.
I know that there's nothing more for me to do right now. I'm taking my medications and running the humidifier at night. Beyond that, I have to wait it out for a few days - and cross my fingers that I don't have to take prednisone.
Friday, November 30, 2007
37 posts in 30 days
And now for something completely different.
I spent an hour this morning at Ella's school helping the librarian and two other volunteers set up for the Scholastic Book Fair, and it brought back some wonderful memories of 3rd grade - actually, this is pretty much the only good memory from that year of school - when, for the first time, I went to a school that had a book fair.
We had just moved to Sarasota, Florida from Albany, New York, by way of Westfield, Massachussetts, where we lived for 18 months. I was a bit lost in my new school and missing my friends and family up north pretty badly. I didn't like the school I was in or the teacher I had. I had gone to a combination of private and Montessori-like schools up north, and I didn't deal well with the new public school I attended in Florida for one year before moving on to magical Pine View (Which at that time was a ramshackle collection of portable classrooms, with no cafeteria or gymnasium. We called it Camp Pine View.).
Anyway, fairly soon after I started there, the school had a book fair, and I just loved it. I love books, pure and simple, so getting to shop for books at school and put together a wish list for my parents was such a treat. I don't remember what books I picked out, but I do remember the one my mom bought for me - Strawberry Girl by Lois Lensky. It was an appropriate book for me because it was about a little girl living in the pine scrub area of Central Florida on her family's strawberry farm. Florida was such an alien place to me and reading about it helped me to adjust. The little girl played in palmetto bushes, just like we had behind our house. And she dug in the sandy soil just like I did when playing outside. That book made a new and scary place seem less scary.
Behold the power of literature!
So this morning I looked around at the books being set out and wondered which books Ella would pick. She's been banned from including anything related to Pokemon and High School Musical on her wish list. I would love for Ella to find that one book that reaches her the way Strawberry Girl did me. I'm going back in next week to volunteer. I'll take some time then to look more closely at the books to see if I can pick a magical book for her.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I should have waited 10 minutes
To set the scene - Ella is in the living room taking off her tights and her turtleneck because she's hot. To do this, she also had to take off her dress.
Lily: I see London, I see France, I see Ella's underpants!
Ella: Lily, stop singing that. It's embarassing.
Lily: I see London, I see France, I see Ella's underpants!
Ella: Lily! I said STOP SINGING THAT!
Lily: I see London, I see France, I see Ella's underpants!
Ella: MOOOOOMMMM!! I've told Lily to stop singing that because she's embarassing me.
Me: Ella, if you don't want to be embarassed, you could always go in your bedroom to do that instead of the living room.
Ella: But I don't want to go in my room.
Me: Then deal with it.
Lily: I see London, I see Fr-owwwwww. Ella kicked me!
Me: Ella go in Campbell's room. Lily, go in your room. You're fighting too much, so you need to be apart from each other until dinner.
Ella and Lily (in harmony): But we'll be looonnneeellllyyy.
I heartlessly sent them on to separate quarters, where they both wailed about the injustice of the world.
I have an aunt who is a middle child, and she worries a great deal about Lily's being the middle child. Based on how quickly Lily can wind Ella up like this, I don't think I need to worry about her being lost in the shuffle.
Another tag
My uncle once: finished an IronMan.
Never in my life: been to Eurpoe
When I was five: sucked my thumb
High School was: hard
I will never forget: the moment each of my children was born
I once met: ummmmm I don't think I've met anyone famous.
There’s this girl I know who: ?
Once, at a bar: I used the men's room because there was a long line for the women's room.
By noon, I’m usually: showered and dressed.
Last night: I went to bed at 8:30 because I felt sick.
If I only had: finished my master's degree.
Next time I go to church: it will be for either a wedding or a funeral.
Terry Schiavo: How dare Congress and the current occupent of the White House think they had the right to get involved in that?
What worries me most: That something will happen to my kids.
When I turn my head left, I see: into my bedroom, where there's a large pile of laundry that needs to be folded.
When I turn my head right, I see: out the front windows.
What I miss most about the eighties: The music - Duran Duran was the best!
If I was a character in Shakespeare, I’d be: I have no idea.
By this time next year: Able to have a little more time for myself.
A better name for me would be: Jennifer - whenever anyone gets my name wrong, they always call me Jennifer.
I have a hard time understanding: the appeal of Star Trek.
If I ever go back to school I’ll: study history instead of literature.
You know I like you if: I invite you up to the lake.
If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: my husband.
Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens and Geraldine Ferraro: genius, genuis, who?, trailblazer
Take my advice, never: trust a four-year-old to watch her baby brother for five minutes while you empty the dishwasher.
My ideal breakfast is: pancakes.
A song I love, but do not own is: thanks to my iPod, I can't think of any.
If you visit my hometown, I suggest: Barton Spring, Mt. Bonnell, Gueros.
Tulips, character flaws, microchips and track stars: Wha?
Why won’t people: be more polite?
If you spend the night at my house: be prepared to wake up early.
I’d stop my wedding for: the imminent birth of my baby.
The world could do without: Little tiny blonde women driving Hummers.
I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: go skydiving.
My favorite blonde is: Campbell. who's kind of blonde.
Paper clips are more useful than: binder clips. I never have the right size binder clip.
If I do anything well, it’s: read a lot.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The best 15 minutes of my day
Campbell is continuing his destructo-baby phase, and he is demolishing the house a piece at a time. His favorite thing is to play in our kitchen pantry, which doesn't have a door on it, so I have no way of closing it off to him. I came around the corner to see him in the process of throwing out every single thing on the bottom shelf of the pantry. He was so proud of himself. Later in the day he got his hands on a box of 200 zip-lock sandwich bags and shoved about 100 of them into the recycling bag. I'm finding it impossible to baby proof for him, because he does things I never in my wildest dreams think he would do.
As the day progressed, I started feeling worse and worse -bad enough that I took my temperature. At 5:00 it was 100.1, which is high for me. I almost never run a fever, not even the time I had mastitis and the time I had a sinus infection.
I still managed to put dinner on the table, and that's when I really lost it. B and I are big proponents of family dinner time. We really believe in the value of everyone gathering at the table to share stories of the day and visit. After tonight's dinner, however, I think I may be switching to an every-man-for-himself dinner plan.
Ella wasn't sitting properly in her chair, and just as I was about to ask her to sit correctly, she managed to flip her plate over and onto the floor, hitting her lap and her chair on the way down. Great hilarity among the kids ensued. B and I weren't as amused. Just as we got Ella focused on her task of cleaning up the mess, Lily knocked over her cup of milk, covering the table. She and Ella had another good laugh at the mess before Lily headed off to get a towel to wipe everything up.
At that point I asked to be excused.
But I didn't get away without one more problem. As I was getting Campbell out of his seat to take him to bath time, he chucked his cup of water off the table, hitting Ella, who was lying on the floor still cleaning up her mess, square in the back. Campbell thought it was hysterical; Ella, not so much.
Campbell had a blast in the tub, as he usually does, and I called my mom so that she could listen to the racket he was making. It was fun and games until he leaned over to pick up a toy and donked his already bruised head on the side of the tub. Sigh.
Finally, after wrestling him into jammies, Campbell and I snuggled down on the sofa for his bedtime cup of milk. And that's when he did something he hasn't done since he stopped nursing - he just cuddled with me. When he was done with his milk, he handed me his cup, and I prepared for the usual wriggling that follows his evening drink. Instead, he just laid here, head on my shoulder. I scootched down on the sofa so that I was stretched out, and we just snuggled. It was the calmest 15 minutes I've had all day. I could have easily fallen asleep like that - feeling the rise and fall of his chest, smelling his wonderful baby hair. I think he might have drifted off if it hadn't been for his sisters, who picked that moment to come crashing into the living room to tell on each other.
I put Campbell in his crib and dangled over the rail for a minute just stroking his back as he drifted off. I wish every day could end so calmly. It made up for all the mess and noise of the day. Now if I could only find a way to not get sick.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It's official
Anyway, there were plenty of moments when I was just sitting and watching the kids paint, or listening to the teacher lead circle time, or watching the drama teacher lead the kids in pretending to be underwater creaters, and all I could think during these moments was, "I could be knitting while doing this." I have a sock in progress that's been riding around in the car so that I have it with me when the opportunity to knit presents itself. I almost went out to the car several times this morning to fetch it, but I just couldn't bring myself to get it. To do so would have been to give in completely to the addiction. Plus, my mom told me that you're not allowed to knit when you're being paid to be attentive. While I don't technically get paid to be in Lily's class, I am supposed to be paying attention to the kids, not to my knitting.
So I was good and didn't knit this morning, even though I was just itching to. But as soon as I get the kids down for rest time, I'll be fishing the baby bootie I'm working on out of my knitting bag.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Poor choice, Ella
Last night, not so much. At least not with Ella. She always sits in the chair right next to Campbell at the table. It used to be B's seat, but she made him move so she could be closer to her brother. Lily sits at the end of the table, still next to Campbell, but around the corner from him. As we were setting the table for dinner last night, Lily asked if she could sit in Ella's usual seat because she felt it was her turn. She asked very politely and reasonably, so I said yes and asked Ella to sit in Lily's chair. In the process, I explained to Ella that it was only fair that she and her sister take turns with the favorite chair. Ella wasn't interested in listening to me.
She crawled under the table until I told her that if she didn't get her bottom in her seat and sit politely at the table, she'd be sent to bed immediately without dinner. Ella sat in her new seat, but she pulled her jacket over her face and refused to show us her face. When B told her one more time to move her jacket, she said, "I just want to be alone!" We granted her wish and sent her off to her room.
After dinner was over, I went in to try and talk to Ella, but she refused to look at me and squiggled away when I sat in front of her. I told her she was allowed to be angry but she wasn't allowed to be rude and disrespectful to me, but she still wouldn't look at me. So I ordered her into bed and turned out the light.
I went in later, and she'd written a letter to her best friend about how she wished there was a secret world that only the two of them knew about where they could go and hide and no one would know where they were. When I told her it was time to stop writing letters and reading because she was in trouble, the waterworks started. She started crying about the unfairness of the situation, I reminded her that she had created it by being rude at the table and again to me later, that everything that had happened had been her choice. Then I walked out, leaving her to cry.
The tears lasted about 15 minutes before she passed out cold. I knew that much of her behavior was caused by sheer exhaustion. Ella and Lily had spent the night with their grandmother, and I know that they never get to bed early there. On top of that, Ella had had a busy holiday weekend with later than usual bedtimes, but still, being tired is no excuse for being rude to me.
Ella woke up at about 9:30 pm and staggered into the bathroom to pee. As she headed back to her room, I called her into the living room and gave her a big hug, telling her that I loved her no matter what. She gave me a big hug back and went to bed.
Maybe Ella learned a lesson last night, maybe she didn't. Either way, B and I will have had plenty of practice enforcing consequences by the time she turns into a teenager and the stakes are higher.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saved by Barb
1. What were you afraid of as a child? UFOs
2. When have you been most courageous? Hmmm. I guess I'd have to say both of the times I walked Ella to the operating room doors when she was small and had to have surgery on her leg. I was scared to death, but I had to put on a brave face for her.
3. What sound most disturbs you? This swishing noise B makes with his mouth. He never even realizes he's doing it until I elbow him in the ribs.
4. What is the greatest amount of physical pain you’ve been in? Aside from any of my blinding migraines that rank as an 11 on a scale of 1-10, I'd have to say it was the first time my left shoulder went out as a result of an old swimming injury. I couldn't move my arm without excruciating pain, and since I'm left handed, I accidentally moved it a lot as I reached for things, or brushed my hair, or put on my seatbelt. I ended up with my arm in a sling just so that I wouldn't use it. Even my knee surgery and c-section pain don't compare to that.
5. What’s your biggest fear for your children? (or children in general if you don’t have some of your own.) Goodness, there are so many. I guess my biggest fear is that something will happen to me and B and the kids will have to grow up without us there to guide them.
6. What is the hardest physical challenge you’ve achieved? Well, there were the two marathons I ran. But I think going through 18 hours of pitocin-induced labor with Ella before I broke down and got an epidural was harder.
7. Which do you prefer: Mountains or oceans/big water? Oceans and water, without a doubt. I spent most of my growing-up years on the gulf coast of Florida. We'd go by the beach every day on the school bus ride home. Being at the beach or near water in general calms me in a way that nothing else does.
8. What is the one thing you do for yourself that helps you keep everything together? Running. It's the one thing I do that is strictly for me.
9. Ever had a close relative or friend with cancer? Yes, lots.
10. What are the things your friends count on you for? I've never thought about this before, and I have no idea. I'm usually so amazed that people will actually be friends with me, that I never think about what I might bring to the equation.
11. What is the best part of being in a committed relationship? Getting to spend every day with someone who is absolutely my favorite person on the planet. There's no one else I'd rather hang out and do nothing with.
12. What is the hardest part of being in a committed relationship? Not holding a grudge when he's been a butt.
13. Summer or Winter? In Texas, winter. But if I lived up north, I'd have to pick fall. I love the cool crisp days and the light in the afternoons.
14. Have you ever been in a school-yard fight? Why and what happened? Nope.
15. Why blog? Because it makes me work on my writing, and since I'm sort of a writer/editor by trade, it's important that I have a non-work-related outlet for my writing.
16. Did you learn about sex, and/or sex safety from your parents? Yes, during an excruciating car ride to a swim meet with my dad. But he said something that stuck with me. He said that all teenage boys were after just one thing, and that if they said anything other than that they were lying. He then added something along the lines of knowing this to be true because he used to be a teenage boy.
17. How do you plan to talk to your kids about sex and/or sex safety? As openly and honestly as possible. And not in the car where they (or I) can't escape when it gets to be too much. I'll probably drink wine beforehand, too.
18. What are you most thankful for this year? I am of course grateful for my family and our friends. But I think I am most grateful for Campbell. He has just been such a wonderful addition to our family. I can't imagine life without him. I am also just having the best time watching him and his sisters together - they are a fun, if very noisy, little group.
I know I'm supposed to tag other people, but I prefer to let people tag themselves if they choose. It's what I've done in the past.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Count me out!
This morning's paper had pictures of people who left their family Thanksgiving celebrations to sit outside stores in the cold and be first in line when the store opened at 4:00 am just so they could save $50 on a laptop or video game system. I'd rather stay home, shop later when it's not so crazy, and pay the extra money.
Fortunately, I really don't have that much shopping to do. We've never gone overboard with the kids for Christmas. Neither of them knows that they're supposed to get mountains of loot. They each get one big present and a few little ones from me and B, one present from their siblings, and two or three from Santa. Granted, the grandparents can go a little nuts, but at least my mom has gotten into the habit of running potential gifts by me - this year the girls are getting new backpacks with their initials on them. She'll give them a few other little things, but she knows better than to give things that need batteries or that come with lots of pieces.
B's dad is pretty good about giving them one big joint present. Last year he, at my suggestion, gave them a whirling see-saw for the back yard, which they all love. I've sent him another suggestion for an outdoor toy again this year.
There's just not much that I want or need for Christmas, except maybe some new yarn. I've asked my parents for a new bike rack for the back of my car, and I've asked B for a bike trailer so that I can take Campbell on bike rides with the girls. He's pretty good about paying attention to what I've asked for.
I had vowed not to go shopping at all this weekend, but I need some sort of special wash to use when I felt the purse I'm almost finished knitting. So darn, I'll need to go to the yarn store. Somehow I doubt there will be hordes of people trampling each other for bargains.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Lazy day
When I got home from my run, everyone was up and going, except B, who went back to bed as soon as I walked in the door. I got breakfast taken care of, and then the girls and I watched the SpongeBob marathon on Nick while Campbell noodled around.
Campbell went down for a nap at 10:00, so I rousted B out of bed and took a nap too. I woke up 2 hours later to the smell of bacon and eggs. I love when B cooks brunch.
The girls spent the afternoon playing with one of their best buddies. All three spent hours in the backyard playing "space" despite the cold. They came in with pink noses and cheeks, got warmed up with hot chocolate and marshmallows, and headed back outside. Later they came in demanding food, so we made a huge bowl of popcorn and let them watch America's Funniest Home Videos.
I loved the day because there wasn't much to do other than vacuum and mop the kitchen floor, which was so disgusting that Campbell nearly stuck to it. But the kitchen is still clean from last night, and the house is still picked up from all our turkey day preparations. I spent much of the afternoon knitting and watching Campbell play. I also ignored the mountain of clean laundry in our room that needs to be folded. I decided it was my turn for a day off.
Now I'm off to bed to read for a while before conking out. It's been a very good day.
Scenes from Thanksgiving
After several questions, I'm adding this - we did have a turkey and all the traditional Thanksgiving casseroles and potatoes. There was so much food that everyone left with a plate of goodies to eat later.
Now I just need to finish cleaning up and putting the house back together again. And laundry - there's always laundry.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Today I'm thankful for
This morning at about 11:00, I was up front marshalling the girls into their Thanksgiving clothes when B came out of the back of the house holding a screaming baby. Campbell had fallen and hit his head on the corner of my dresser. There was a huge lump on his forehead with a thin red line of blood. I'm normally pretty calm about the kids' injuries, but this one really upset me. I got a boo-bunny from the freezer and tried to put it on Campbell's head, but he kept screaming and pushing my hand away. Meanwhile the lump continued to swell and the red line got wider and bloodier. My across-the-street neighbors were outside, and they, unfortunately, have had experience with a child's head injury, so I went out in tears, holding Campbell, who was still wailing. They both advised that I go to the hospital just to be on the safe side.
Ages ago, I read an article in the paper about the Heart Hospital's ER, which was practically begging for people to go there instead of the other hospitals. The article talked about how they have a level 4 trauma unit and can handle any emergency that might come through the door, with no waiting because no one ever goes there unless they're having a heart attack.
Since it's the closest hospital to our house, I headed there with Campbell. We were taken back immediately, and we had three nurses tending to Campbell. Actually, it was one nurse doing the tending and two singing and dancing to make Campbell smile; I don't think they get a lot of kids in there. The doctor was in right after the nurses finished their routines. The verdict - no concussion and no stitches. The nurse put something similar to superglue on Campbell's cut to seal it closed and sent us on our way. We were home less than an hour after we left.
Campbell seems to have recovered. He was cranky for a few hours, but then he took a two-hour nap and woke up to be the life of the party. The bruise is going to look awful tomorrow, though. I'm sure it's going to turn lots of different colors.
The rest of the day was good. We hosted all of B's family, and everyone behaved themselves. We had old and new friends join us. There was lots of laughter and telling of stories and lots of good food - including B's Beef Wellington. It was too cold to sit outside, so we all crammed inside, but no one seemed to mind. It was a happy event - just what Thanksgiving should be.
Happy thanksgiving to everyone reading this.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving preparation
Fortunately, B loves to cook on Thanksgiving. He's planning to make Beef Wellington, his piece de resistance. My job is to get the house ready for the cleaning lady, who is coming this afternoon, and to make two pies. I think I can handle that.
To prepare for the cleaning lady, I usually do a quick sweep of clutter and stuff and let her do the rest. She knows where most of our stuff goes. But today, I've been decluttering like a madwoman, putting away all the stuff that has drifted around the house for the past few weeks, throwing away things that aren't needed anymore, and tossing all of my already-read New Yorkers in the recycling bin. I've even straightening up and de-trashed my desk, mostly. The kitchen counter is cleared off - granted most of the stuff went in the junk drawers, but at least the counter is clean.
I even managed to throw out a garbage sack full of trash from the girls' room. I had sent them in to clean during Campbell's morning nap, but instead they pulled out their trundle filled with toys and made a bigger mess. As a result, I had to get involved, and I was merciless. If it was on the floor and made of paper, it went in the trash. I even cleaned off the top of their desk, which is no small task. Seeing their trundle open made me realize it's due for a big cleaning. I'll have to tackle that next week when they aren't here to witness it. It's time for all the un-played-with Barbies to go to a new home.
The trick will be keeping everything neat until tomorrow at 1:00 when guests arrive. I'm sure I'll be de-cluttering again tomorrow morning before everyone arrives.