We went to Dallas this weekend for a climbing competition. Ella placed fourth in her division, which is pretty cool considering she was the youngest one competing. More importantly, she had lots of fun. This was a traditional comp, with roped climbing. B was Ella's belay partner throughout the day, and it was really fun to watch them working together.

I think the above picture says it all.

Here she is on her last climb. My camera's flash wasn't strong enough to fight through the gloom and swirling chalk dust in the gym.
I asked Ella what the best part of the weekend was. She said, "I got a ribbon, a climbing magazine and TWO stickers!"
Goodness I love that girl.
yeah, Ella! I want Ethan to try climing sometime.
thats so cool that she found something she likes so much
Wouldn't it be great if all it took for a good weekend was a couple of stickers?
Go Ella.
That's really neat. I love events that celebrate strong, confident girls.
TWO stickers. That's really special!
I was just thinking exactly the same thought as Wendi. I wish all it took to make my day was to climb some rocks. Actually, that would make my day if I then didn't have to go home and clean and cook, etc.
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