Monday, November 05, 2007

Third post of the day

I've signed up for something called National Blog Posting Month. Basically, I've agreed to post an entry every day for the month of November. This really shouldn't be a problem for me considering that most days I stop myself from posting more than one entry because I don't want to bother people. That's right, I don't want to bug people who have to chose to visit my blog to read it. It's not like I'm sending them four million e-mails, which I do tend to do because I hate talking on the phone, but then I worry that I've sent too many e-mails and bugged my friends that way. The worry gnomes in my head make a lot of noise some days.

Anyway, I signed up for this challenge even though I didn't post anything yesterday. I figured that my two, now three, posts today made up the gap.

NaBloPoMo, here I come.


MadMad said...

I always find it so nice to learn I'm not the only weirdo out there... :) I thought I was alone in "not wanting to bother people with lame posts." On the handy other hand, if you have it, too, then maybe it is a real thing. And not just a figment of our imaginations. So... are we are bothering people with lame posts? Or not? I lost track, there.

Suburban Correspondent said...

You can't bother people who aren't forced to read you. Of course, they may take you off their readers....but then you didn't want them there anyway, right? You only want the true fans.

I'm babbling. Stop thinking about it. Now I have to go think up a post for today, since I signed up too.

Anonymous said...

I've had to stop myself from the double entry before too. I thought I was the only weirdo...

Family Adventure said...

That's too funny! There's so many of us out there who don't like bothering people with too many posts AND who'd rather write than talk on the telephone.

Don't worry about the bothering bit. What's great about blogs is that your bloggy friends can read your posts when it's a good time for them (and, for me, that's why it beats the the telephone!).

lightening said...

I'm a big fan of email over phone too. And have days when I post several posts. Trying to pace myself a little during November - between Nablopomo AND Nanowrimo (write a 50,000 word novel) I'm keeping my fingers rather busy. Oh yeah, I also solved part of my multiple posting dilemma by starting a second blog!!! LOL.

Found you via the nablopomo randomiser. :-)