Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuckered out

Preschool is HARD! Campbell was sitting next to me on the sofa after preschool and got suspiciously quiet. I looked over, and he was sound asleep.

If you look closely, you can see his latest black eye. He fell while running around at his grandfather's and donked his head on the corner of a wrought-iron chair. Poor little guy.


Unknown said...

I love sleeping babies!!! poor guy. What IS it with boys and their injuries??? Mine constantly has a scab or bruise or scratch somewhere visible

Anonymous said...

Ah, preschool is my total BFF for that very reason. We joke about the perma-bruise, but we coined the term for a very good reason. Enjoy the quiet.

Seamus O'Pine said...

He looks so big! And he is 100% boy, isn't he?

MadMad said...

Awwww! You could just eat him right up! What a cutie! (And isn't preschool wonderful?)