Friday, April 03, 2009


Thank you to everyone for your e-mails and comments after my last post. B is recovering nicely, and he had a very good doctor's appointment yesterday. Basically, he has something called atrial fibrillation, which causes his heart to go nuts once in a while. It's something he will have for the rest of his life, but with some lifestyle changes and medication, he should be able to lessen the effects and avoid more hospital visits and sessions with a defibrillator.

I'm off for a much need girls' weekend away with two friends. I'm not taking my computer, so I'll be offline the whole time. I may go through withdrawal.

See you next week.


Cathy said...

so happy to here your husband is ok! Have a wonderful weekend sans kids!!

Ann in NJ said...

That's scary! But good to have a diagnosis - sometimes not knowing is much worse. Hope all calms down, and enjoy your weekend away. I'm sneaking half a day with girlfriends - best I can do at the moment.

Cathy said...

hope you had a great weekend--I left you something at my blog. :)