Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Are you ready?

Ever since I found out my delivery date and shared the news, people have been asking me if I'm ready for the baby. Well . . .

I'm definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore; the magic and wonder of pregnancy wore off some time during my second pregnancy. I'm ready to not have an alien inside me, kicking me in the ribs while I'm trying to sleep. I'm ready to wear normal clothes again. I've gotten VERY tired of the three pairs of pants and six shirts that currently fit me, and I'm too cheap and too stubborn to go buy more maternity clothes for the next 5 1/2 weeks. But if I get any larger, I may be forced to. Or I'll just wear pajamas all the time. I'm ready to be able to go walking and running again. I miss being able to exercise.

I am not, however, ready to actually have a baby in the house. There's still so much I need to do before November 4. Here's my list, in no particular order:

1. Clean out my closet. I have to do this to find the cradle that I know is stored in there somewhere.
2. Put together said cradle.
3. Dig out what few newborn clothes I packed away for sentimental reasons. But, as with the cradle, I have to clean out my closet to find the clothes.
4. Buy newborn clothes, once I figure out what stuff I already have.
5. Buy a different car. The car I drive now, while I love it, will not hold four children, at least not legally. Ella has volunteered to ride in the wayback, but I think I'd probably get arrested for that.
6. Buy diapers
7. Figure out what, if anything, I'm going to give to the girls as their "big sister" presents.
8. Call the hospital billing office and work out a payment schedule for the many thousands of dollars this is going to cost us.
9. Cry about the many thousands of dollars this is going to cost us.
10. Get the kids to draw pictures on this special transfer paper and send them to my aunt so she can put them in a quilt for the baby.
11. Wrap up three work projects, one of which has a deadline that's the same as my due date.


Fortunately, my across-the-street neighbor has loaned a bunch of baby gear like a baby bucket car seat, bouncy seat, and swing because I had given away all of my stuff. And another friend gave us her son's crib. Thank goodness for small favors.

So while I'm desperate to not be pregnant, I'll take every day I can get to prepare for this next stage in our lives.


Cathy said...

Hang in there! It's all so exciting and overwelming at the same time. That's awful about the insurance. We were on private insurance with my second and it was not fun. It just cost so much money.

bernthis said...

When I had my kid, I was so so so so prepared. although I am a one and done kind of mom, my friends who had more than that always laughed at how much less stressed they were about having everything "perfect' when the second, third etc came along

bernthis said...

When I had my kid, I was so so so so prepared. although I am a one and done kind of mom, my friends who had more than that always laughed at how much less stressed they were about having everything "perfect' when the second, third etc came along