Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Maybe we look like a crazy lesbian couple . . . "

I had just promised the girls hot dogs and baked beans for dinner and plunked Campbell in the bath to wash the carrots out of his ears when Heidi called to invite us to dinner. Eric was working late, as was Brandon, so we were both on our own with the kids. For the second time since Campbell was born, I ventured to a restaurant with three kids in tow. The first time was a disaster; Campbell was about a month old and cried the entire time. Liz ended up supervising my kids and getting them to eat while I ministered to the screaming baby.

This time was better. I kept Campbell amused with a spoon and some diced tomatoes and steamed carrots. Ella behaved beautifully, aside from a minor tantrum about lemonade. Lily, though, kept bouncing in and out of her seat to talk to Campbell, to talk to Larsen, to chase William. I was ready to throttle her.

At one point Heidi whispered that the woman at the table to our left kept staring at us. I whispered back that the woman at the table to our right was staring, too. My theory was that they were staring at William, whose face was covered in blue ink from the stamp on his hand he got at gymnastics. Heidi's theory was that we looked like a crazy lesbian couple. I nearly choked on my rice laughing. But then I took another look at our table and decided maybe she was closer to being right than I was. We were a sight to behold - 6 kids ages 6 and under and two moms trying to keep everyone happy. Even though we aren't a lesbian couple, we were definitely crazy for attempting it.

But as zooey as the experience was, it was still better than hot dogs and baked beans and having to clean up the kitchen again. Now I don't have to empty the dishwasher until tomorrow morning. Hurrah for small victories.

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